This is a collection of various original guitar songs I’ve recorded over a span of 17 years. Some are half finished, others a bit more refined. Most are a strange diverse mix of sounds crossing all sorts of genres and exploratory vibes. Hope you enjoy.
Quarantine Blues
Recorded this on a boat during the middle of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic quarantine. Electronic Drums, Electric Guitar c.2020
Amp Guitar
Electronic Drums, Electric Guitar & Looper Pedal c.2018
Drop-D Dorm Drive
I’ve always liked experimenting with drop-d tuning on guitars, makes anything sound heavier and a little crunchier. Acoustic Guitar c.2006
December Blues
Playing around with a looper pedal one rainy afternoon in December. Electronic Drums, Electric Guitar & Looper Pedal c.2018
Conference Speaker Intro Song
Fun little guitar riff. I always thought it would be good intro/outro music for speakers at events. Go ahead, its free to download and not copyrighted use it wherever you want. Electronic Drums, Electric Guitar & Looper Pedal c.2018
First Keyboard Song
I found a 5 dollar keyboard at a Goodwill in Tallahassee Florida one summer. Decided to try it out and see what tune I could record. Electric Guitar & Goodwill Keyboard c.2008
Melow Song
Experimenting with new recording software on my first desktop computer back in 2003. The drum beat is from a 1970s’ Lowrey wooden Organ my father had placed in the living room growing up. For this being probably one of my first recordings I remember making, it ironically, and unknown to me at the time, would be the most technically advanced one I’d make using state of the art software & microphones. Since then & over 18 years later I’ve digressed to almost exclusively using a less advanced 8 track recorder to record songs, which by comparison is prehistoric in it’s capabilities. But I like its simplicity and especially its portability; you never know when song inspiration can hit you. Lowry Organ Drum beat & Electric Guitar c.2003
Two Bowls of Cereal
This was a fun summer night garage jam in highschool at my buddies parents house. He’s my favorite drummer to jam with in the whole world. We recorded one live take straight through before the neighbors complained about the noise. I took that home and overlaid some guitar riffs on top that come in bit strong sometimes, like an overpowered waterfall. I’m not entirely sure but I think the 2nd bowl of cereal is poured in sometime after 3:33 in the song. Live Drums, Electric Guitar & 16-speed bicycle horn c.2005
Stink Jam II
Messing around with a beat from the 5 dollar goodwill keyboard. The tune is a little funky sometimes. At around 1:47 I try my first keyboard solo ever. Its not bad for a first one! Goodwill keyboard & Electric Guitar c.2009
Dabidoo Room
Like most of my songs, I made this tune up while staring at the ceiling out of boredom at age 17. Almost 16 years later finally decided to record a version. It has a weird percussive rhythm string pick pattern.
Bellcan Blues
This songs about rough Mondays at work. You know which ones I’m talking about. Acoustic & Electric Guitar, No drums.
Drop D Stream
Classical nylon guitar tune, c.2007
One Rubber Ducky
One rubber ducky can change the way you feel about this world, when you’re sitting in a tub so big and the soaps making the walls so slip. One rubber ducky can change the way you feel about this world when you’re sitting in a tub so big, and the only thing that you know is, your waters draining down, draining deeper down to the other side. Your waters draining down draining down a black hole that makes you frown. You don’t know what’s on the other side could be mean green things that like to hide. You’re not at the bottom of a ship, this is the middle of a dessert where every last drop counts. Acoustic guitar c.2011